Work-Life Balance—a term we throw around; but can’t seem to ever find.
In essence, ‘balance’ denotes the idea that the time spent between work and life is equal, 50/50.
But let’s be real, in order to achieve an ‘equal’, 50/50 balance, it seems as though that means living in two different extremes: 50-percent of the time, you are ‘all in’ work mode, only to swing to the opposite end of the spectrum, 50-percent of the time, you are in ‘all play’ mode (family, leisure, forget about work, etc.).
Where is the happy medium?
Is it possible to live a 100% ‘balanced’ lifestyle with your work and your life, going hand in hand?
I know so.
How do I know?
I’m living it.
My LIFE is my work; or, in other terms, my WORK is (to live) my life.
Make sense?
Life is most the important work of all that we all have the opportunity to execute to the fullest, each and every day we wake up, and take another deep breath of air.
That being said, within my life I have: My career, my business. I have my family. I have my colleagues and staff. I have friends and those people closest to me. I have my athletes and clients that I coach and train. I have my leisure activities. I have my training, my meal-prep, my nutrition, my sleep. I have my ambitions and things that motivate me.
You see, “life” and “work” is not separate. When living your life is your work, all things within your life fall under that umbrella.
I think where the biggest breakdown occurs for people ‘missing’ this connection; people failing to see the integration of life and work together is when people are unhappy, dissatisfied or discontent in their career, their profession—the 9-5 J-O-B that ‘pays the bills.’
Do what you love, love what you do—life is too short to not; and I say this now with sincerity, because I have been there, in the trenches, before, and understand what it is like to not be connected or passionate about what you do.
So how do you bring your WORK and your LIFE into equilibrium, and truly connect with what it is you love, and were ultimately meant to do?
A few essential steps:
1. Recognition.
First, you need to have awareness around what it is you are doing. Ask yourself how are you spending your time, and what is it exactly that you are actually doing. Recognize areas that are out of ‘balance’, underserved or missing. Are the ways you are spending your time in sync with who you are, your goals, your passions, your skills, and talents? Ask questions, raise awareness, and ultimately, have gratitude for this awareness—a first step towards true equilibrium.
2. No judgment.
No matter what answers your awareness generates, create a no judgment zone for yourself. Take full responsibility for wherever you are—fulfilled or unfulfilled alike.
3. Dream a little dream.
It’s up to you to determine what your life looks like—what do you want your life to look like? Get inspired here. Ask: How can I change the rules of the game?  It all starts with your thought process—to get areas you want your balance.
4. Create an action plan.
Be it a change in your schedule;  a weekly time set aside to connect with a best friend; meal-prep on the weekends to allow for more time and less stress during the weeks; sending out a resume to five new contacts or taking the first steps towards starting your own business…the world is your oyster. Connect with the feeling of creating a better schedule for yourself—one that aligns with your goals, passions and dreams.
Your work is to LIVE your life.
It is only when you don’t feel you have that balance that there is struggle in your work versus life.
Do what you love, love what you do—life is too short to not;
and I say this now with sincerity, because I have been there.